Green Flags in a Relationship

Often, we mention red flags in a relationship, since many abusive partners manipulate feelings and experiences to make it seem like they are not bad.

Red flags are also important to note, since they are signs that things are problematic and could worsen. However, green flags, which are signs of a healthy and positive relationship, are also important to recognize.

Happy man and woman, a couple, smiling experiencing
Happy man and woman, a couple, smiling experiencing "green flags".

We use the term “green flag” to highlight positive actions or traits. These are usually signs of healthy behaviors. This can be a positive sign that your potential relationship will start positively and hopefully stay that way.

Every relationship looks different. For some people, consistent communication is necessary, while others are okay with sporadic contact. Ultimately, a relationship is healthy when you and your partner feel things are equal and meet both partners’ needs.

Here are some relationship green flags:


You talk openly about problems and listen to one another. You respect each other’s opinions.


You value each other’s opinions, feelings, and needs. You give each other the freedom to be yourself and be loved for who you are.


You believe what your partner has to say and don’t feel the need to “prove” each other’s trustworthiness.


You’re honest with each other but can keep some things private.


You make decisions together and hold each other to the same standards. You and your partner have equal say in significant decisions within the relationship. All partners have access to the resources they need.


You enjoy spending time apart, alone, or with others. You respect each other’s need for time and space apart. You communicate with each other about what you dislike.


You talk openly about physical, sexual, and reproductive choices together. All partners always willingly consent to sexual activity and can safely discuss what you are and aren’t comfortable with.

Parenting supportively

All partners can parent in a way they feel comfortable with. You communicate together about the needs of the child(ren) and the needs of each other as their parents.

We’re here to help.

We recognize that relationships may not be perfect at all times. People are dynamic creatures, so our emotions and needs may fluctuate depending on a variety of things, like how much sleep we’re getting, if we feel fulfilled in our life, and if we are able to take care of ourselves.

If you feel that the green flags listed above only happen occasionally, it is important to talk about it. Those conversations can help show if you and your partner are willing to grow and learn from past experiences, so you can continue to move forward in a healthy direction. Our advocates are here 24/7 through chat, text, or call, so reach out to us if you have questions or concerns.